For those who are constantly on the lookout for signs of Magic in your everyday life.

With Reiki you definitely find something extraordinary.
I decided to learn this ancient healing technique after a very powerful personal experience. Once I had horrible ear pain and after receiving one treatment it went away immediately.
I was astonished! What kind of sorcery is this?!
 I needed to learn it.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a spiritual practice developed in Japan in the early 20th century. The word "Reiki" is composed of two Japanese words: "rei," which means universal, and "ki," which means life energy or vital force. It promotes that there is a universal life force energy that flows through all living beings and that when this energy is low, we are more likely to feel stressed or become ill. Reiki gives aid with stress reduction, relaxation and restoring harmony to the body, so healing can take place.

How Does it Work?
During a Reiki session, I channel this life force energy through the palms of my hands, (often even without touching you). Quite a Jedi move don’t you think?
This method gently clears blockages in energy pathways, helping to balance and restore your vitality at all levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Each session is uniquely personalized to meet your specific needs, ensuring a deeply individualized healing experience. The most interesting part of all is, that it isn't my energy you are receiving, (at least not mainly) but I serve as a channel for this endless source of energy. And you know what the fun part is? At the end of a session, I also feel charged!

Why engage in a Reiki healing session?
Reiki is a profound healing practice that works on multiple levels—helping to alleviate physical discomfort, calm emotional turmoil, and foster spiritual growth. Choosing Reiki can be your pathway to achieving greater peace and resiliency, especially beneficial if you're navigating life's stresses or seeking a deeper sense of connectedness. With each session, you may find yourself more centred, energized, and connected to both your inner self and the world around you.

Curious about what Reiki can mean for you?

Connect with me today to schedule a Reiki session personalized just for you so that you can experience the effects of this magical touch for yourself!


Are you ready to feel the magic?